Meet Ms. Christina, a remarkable woman who recently participated in the 40 Over 40 Portrait Experience. At 52 years old, Christina has a wealth of life experiences and stories to share. Originally from Houston, she now resides in Pittsburg and works in education.

When asked about her biggest reason for joining the 40 Over 40 Portrait Experience,  Ms. Christina had a heartfelt response and said, “Anniversary gift for my husband.”

 Ms. Christina’s portrait session not only met, but exceeded her expectations. “My session was well above my expectations. I felt so sexy,” she shared. Her favorite part of the session was seeing the stunning final results.

The portrait session had a profoundly positive impact on  Ms. Christina. She described the experience as “Very comfortable, fun, and exciting.” It was more than just a photo shoot; it was an opportunity for Ms. Christina to celebrate herself and her journey.

Ms. Christina’s story is fundamentally about resilience and self-empowerment. “Learning to stand up for myself,” she said, has ultimately made her the strong, brave woman she is today. Her immediate family includes her loving husband and their adult children, who she considers her greatest achievement. Additionally, she describes her husband as the greatest love of her life.

One fun fact about Ms. Christina is that she overcame her insecurities because of her husband. This support has been instrumental in her journey towards self-confidence. If she could change one thing about herself, Ms. Christina wishes she had become who she is today sooner.

Ms. Christina lives by the motto: “Life is precious, so live it up.” This philosophy is a testament to her approach to life and the energy she brings to everything she does. Her favorite trait about herself is her loyalty.


To watch the video featuring the inspiring ladies who participated in the 40 Over 40 Portrait Experience, click here!

To see more captivating portraits and testimonials, and learn more about how you too can participate in your own empowering experience, please visit

May 29, 2024

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