Meet Ms. Mandi, a dynamic 42-year-old beauty from Daingerfield, TX. As a Vape Shop Owner and Bookkeeper, she is juggling a bustling life with her husband, Tracy, and four kids. Ms. Mandi recently indulged in the 40 Over 40 portrait experience, seeking a well-deserved day of glam and pampering, amid the chaos of a new business venture.

Mandi said her session exceeded expectations, making her feel truly special. Mandi’s favorite part? “Every second of it.” Encouraging her best friends to do it for themselves, she labels the experience a confidence booster.

Beyond her business ventures, her greatest love is Tracy, her husband.

Mandi finds pride in her daughter Payge, considering her the greatest achievement.

When asked about her most rewarding work, Mandi said, “Our family owned and operated Vape Shop – Work hits differently when you do it for and with family!!”
One piece of valuable advice Mandi would give her 20 something self would be, “To know your worth and never settle for less”
Mandi is passionate about her kids’ success and aspires to travel more.

She hopes people see her as someone with a huge heart and a great sense of humor. In fact, she said she likes to think she is super funny.

The day of her photoshoot marked the day she felt most confident, hands down!

When asked about a fun fact others might not know, Mandi replied, “I own a Head Shop”

Mandi challenges beauty stereotypes, emphasizing that a beautiful soul is the key to attractiveness, and knows that curvy is beautiful too.

Mandi’s journey proves that confidence, humor, and a big heart are timeless. Her story is a testament to embracing and celebrating your true self, no matter your age.

Explore Mandi’s Gala testimonial here.


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January 3, 2024

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