Meet Paula Hinckley, a 61-year-old from Tyler, Texas, originally from Michigan, who participated in the 40 Over 40 Portrait Experience. Ms. Paula, a Patient Financial Services Manager, joined this project for a special reason: “I wanted to do something special for me and my husband. I lost 152 pounds and wanted to feel beautiful and sexy,” she shared.

The session exceeded her expectations. “Rhonda was amazing and made me feel comfortable from the beginning,” she said. Her favorite part was feeling beautiful, special, and sexy. She described the experience as “life-changing.”

Ms. Paula’s life is a testament to resilience and joy. She treasures her family, especially her husband Scott, who is the love of her life. One fun fact about Ms. Paula that others might find interesting is her service-learning mission in Ghana, Africa.

Proud of her accomplishments, including earning her Master’s degree, Paula’s advice to her younger self is to “love yourself” and to “not sweat the small stuff.” Her future ambitions include retiring, traveling, and serving a mission for her church. She hopes to be remembered as “genuine” and is passionate about her family.

Her favorite trait about herself is her smile, and she firmly believes that “life begins at 60.” Paula’s journey through the 40 Over 40 Portrait Experience is a beautiful reminder that every stage of life holds new possibilities and reasons to celebrate. 


To watch the video featuring the inspiring ladies who participated in the 40 Over 40 Portrait Experience, click here!

To see more captivating portraits and testimonials, and learn more about how you too can participate in your own empowering experience, please visit


June 15, 2024

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