Retired educator Angela Lee lives in Hudson, a suburb of Lufkin. After spending 30 years working as a teacher, principal, and bus driver, Angela currently owns and operates a Lufkin locksmith business that was originally started by her late father-in-law in 1956.

Born in Nacogdoches, Angela grew up in Zavalla before starting her own family. She credits her children with convincing her to do the 40 Over 40 photo shoot.

“My children encouraged me to do something for myself,” Angela said. “I am happiest when I am doing for others, but had kind of hit a low spot after losing my husband. The session totally exceeded my expectations. I was only doing it to pacify my children, but it was life-changing. I feel better about myself and am making plans to do more things I’ve dreamed of doing.”

The hardest part about describing her session was deciding what she liked best.

“I’m not sure I can choose a favorite part,” Angela said. “I loved Ms. Harley working her magic. I also loved all the different wardrobe changes. I felt like a little girl playing dress-up! If I had to choose a favorite part, I think it would be getting to know Ms. Rhonda and learning from her encouragement. My session was a great experience! It was fun and eye-opening. Although I was nervous and a little skeptical, I’m so glad I stepped out of my comfort zone and did it. My only regret is not doing it sooner!”

“I honestly don’t think I’ve ever felt attractive until the session with Ms. Rhonda,” she continued. “She was so positive and encouraging that it was hard not to believe her. When I saw my prints, I couldn’t believe it was me. I finally saw myself not as an overweight grandmother, but a beautiful creation!”

A beautiful creation is exactly what her four grandchildren see. In fact, Angela cherishes the special time she gets to spend with Braeden, Braelyn, Emory, and Evan.

“I enjoy making up songs for my grandchildren and singing to them,” she explained. “It makes my heart happy when they ask me to sing to them and to hear them singing the songs back to me. I grew up singing in church and have strayed from it over the years, but have recently begun to step back into it and use the talents God has given me.”

With few regrets in life, Angela does have one thing she would consider changing.

“If I could change one thing about myself, it would be to have the ability to completely overcome self-doubt and never fall back into that mindset.”

Of all her many accomplishments in life, including earning both a bachelor’s and master’s degree, Angela’s title as Randal and Meagan’s mother has been her best assignment yet.

My most rewarding “job” has been being a mom,” she said. “Helping to mold my children, but letting them explore and be their own person. Watching them grow into the wonderful adults and parents that they are today. My greatest achievement would have to be raising my children as a single mom.”

Watch the video testimonial from Ms. Angela here.


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January 19, 2024

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