Vivian, Louisiana native Ms. Samantha, a certified medical assistant, says she has never regretted the career path she chose more than two decades ago.

“I’ve worked in the medical field since I was 18 years old,” Ms. Samantha explained. “I’ve always loved what I do. No questions asked. I’d do it all over again. Working with elderly patients is most rewarding. I am most passionate about knowing that I made an impact on someone’s life.”

Ms. Samantha, who now resides in Mooringsport, LA, also has no regrets about doing her 40 over 40 photo session.

“I wanted to try something I’ve never done before,” she said. “It definitely made me feel like I was beautiful at a time that women our age don’t feel comfortable in our own skin. My favorite part was working with Rhonda. She was amazing at making me feel comfortable in my own skin. I felt most attractive when I took the chance to take these photos. It was well worth it.”

Ms. Samantha, 42, also counts her role as a mother well worth the sacrifices she has had to make.

“My greatest loves include my daughters and my patients. My greatest achievement is becoming a mother to two beautiful daughters. I want to raise my girls to be just as strong as their mothers. I believe you should  love your children unconditionally.”

Ms. Samantha, who also has four sisters and four brothers, offers advice on several life lessons she has learned along the way.

“Nothing in life remains permanent except change,” she said. “I wouldn’t change anything about myself. God made me as He intended.” Also, age is just a number. I want to take better care of myself and learn to love myself.”


To watch the video featuring the inspiring ladies who participated in the 40 Over 40 Portrait Experience, click here!

For further information and to view additional stunning portraits and testimonials, please visit

September 5, 2024

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