Meet Ms. Christina, a vibrant 47-year-old Certified Nursing Assistant hailing from Vivian, LA, and currently residing in Hallsville, TX. Christina recently embarked on a journey of self-discovery through the 40 Over 40 Portrait Experience, and here’s her story:

“I haven’t had my pictures taken (of just me) since I was 19,” she reveals. “But after this experience, I realized it was just what I needed. It was a bucket list item I never knew I had. I’m so glad I didn’t miss out.”

Reflecting on her favorite part of the session, Ms. Christina admits feeling most at ease towards the end. “I finally felt relaxed, more comfortable. Just wish I felt that way when I first got there.”

Encouraging others to take the plunge, Ms. Christina emphasizes, “Please don’t miss out on taking your photo. It’s your time to treat yourself, no matter how old you are.”

Family is at the heart of Ms. Christina’s life, including her daughters and granddaughter. “The greatest loves of my life are my family and friends,” she shared.

When not caring for her loved ones, Ms. Christina enjoys baking, sewing, and movie nights by candlelight. Her greatest achievement is being a stronger woman after all these years.

Her motto, “Always feel blessed! Don’t ever go to bed mad. Always wake up and be thankful for what God has given me,” reflects her gratitude and positive outlook on life.

Ms. Christina’s advice to her younger self is: “Listen to your own heart. Don’t let others stop you from doing what brings you joy.”


To view the video showcasing the Over 40 and Fabulous Gallery Exhibition, click here!


For further information and to view additional captivating portraits and testimonials, please visit

May 14, 2024

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