Ms. Melina, a 46-year-old paramedic from Arkadelphia, Arkansas, has faced her share of challenges. Originally from Tuckerman, Arkansas, she’s been a single mom for five years while balancing a demanding career. Recently divorced and down over 100 pounds, she celebrated by joining the 40 Over 40 Portrait Experience.

“I wanted to do something for myself,” Ms. Melina said. Nervous at first, she quickly relaxed thanks to Mrs. Rhonda. “Being treated like a superstar was my favorite part,” she shared, reflecting on the experience that made her feel like no one else mattered for the day. It was a confidence-boosting experience that left her feeling empowered.

Ms. Melina is most proud of her weight loss, calling it her greatest achievement, and says her greatest love is her son. Her motto, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” guides her life. She also shared some lighthearted humor, revealing that she’s been wanted by the FBI!

Ms. Melina’s advice to her younger self would be, “Don’t worry about what others think; their crap stinks too.” She also reminded young mothers that “no mother is perfect.” As for the future, Ms. Melina hopes to get certified as a flight paramedic and even dreams of seeing the Northern Lights.

Through the portrait experience, Ms. Melina gained a new perspective on beauty, “I always thought being overweight meant I couldn’t be attractive, but I was wrong” she said. She’s now focused on raising a happy, healthy child, staying healthy herself, and continuing to succeed in her career.


To watch the video featuring the inspiring ladies who participated in the 40 Over 40 Portrait Experience, click here!

For further information and to view additional stunning portraits and testimonials, please visit

September 19, 2024

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